Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trimble Link Database Version Wrong

Just had Survey Controller on your data collector updated? Getting an error similar to the following when trying to dump your data?
“Database error; expects 12.45, actual 12.46″.

Then it’s time to update your Trimble DataTransfer utility. This is a utility that converts the data from the Survey Controller job file into a format that can be read by the various survey software processing packages.

This is basically a slimmed down version of Data Transfer that is also brought up to speed by installing the latest version of Data Transfer on your PC.
The current latest version of Data Transfer is v1.49 and can be downloaded from Keep an eye out for updates on this page whenever a new update to Survey Controller or Trimble Access is released.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reconciled Layers

This was found by Randy:

I have found after looking into reconciled layers that we can turn off the notification that we all love every time that we plot by using the command
LAYEREVAL and change the variable from 1 to 0. If new layers are added to your x-ref, they still will be added to your layer properties manager "unreconciled layers" filter, but you will not have to battle that message. It is still beneficial to know when new layers are added and you can still review your new layers and reconcile them accordingly.

This command works on a drawing by drawing basis. So, you will need to change this variable for each drawing. I will change it in the template, that way with any new drawing we shouldn't have to deal with this "annoyance" anymore.